Being a parent is amazing!

And tricky. Let me help.

Are you the parent of a child or children between the ages of 2 and 7? Does this sound familiar?

“My child has so many tantrums!”

“I just want my kids to grab their coats and get out the door, already!”

“I leave the room for 10 minutes, and they’re screaming at each other.”

“I feel like I have no time for myself.”

“My kids want attention from me 24/7, and it’s exhausting!”

“I just want to have a quiet and calm house.”

“I’m overwhelmed. I just don’t know what to do.”




to be of use; have force or efficacy; serve; help

Hi, I'm Alex.

I’m a PCI Certified Parent Coach®. Working with children and their families is my passion!

“One little change can open your eyes, and expands the possibilities, making things go a little more smoothly. Playing with kids is so important. I'd rather be an Australian waitress than a mad mom.”

— Sarah A.

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